Wednesday, November 16, 2005

What A Life

I just very disoppointed because in this world there's so many hipocrate people who pretend to be good just infront of us. But they say and do totally different thing. I wonder what they really want in this life.Why people cannot be themselves but must be hipocrates.Even how hard they try to hide their hipocrates people will soon know what they really are.Because something with bad smells just cannot hide the smells.

I wish those who are hipocrates live you life and be yourself.Do not try to show people that how sweets you are by right you are not.He was a terrible thing to do.And if you are a mother and father who are hipocrated you cannot just avoid that your kids also will be like you.

Safe the worl from hipocrates people by be yourself.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Why Why Why

I really like to ask question not just to people but also to myself.
I use to read some where that they say when you ask the question you will get the answer.

You have to keep asking why to yourself everytime and when anything happen to yourself or even to peole around you.

I think why is a powerfull words which have given a big impact to many people from early days.

One think that I use to ask myself is that " If other people can why I cannot ". During my school days I am not a briliant student not even at average stage.I effect have taken my form five exam two times. Firt time I took MCE but second time I took SPM because if certain reason.I know it is quite hard to change from English medium to Malay medium expecially when comes to Mathematical and Science term.Alhamdulillah I make it quite well even not excelent which allow me to enter college and do Pra Diploma in Sceince.

"If other people can why I cannot " was a verse that have change my attitude of thinking and change the way I see things around me.As a results during college I get quite an excelent resulys which allow me to continue my study overseas.

I mostly thankfull to my dear teacher who have given so much effort to teach me durig the time I am sitting for SPM. I will never forget his kindness and time spend to give me a special tuition.I will always pray that he will be in happy always.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Mencari Erti Kehidupan

Satu persoalan telah ketemui yakni " Tidak Bermakna Hidup Tanpa Mengerti Erti Hidup dan Kehidupan".
Bermula dari detik itu aku tercari-cari apakah makna di sebalik kata-kata itu.Ia bagaikan suatu kata-kata keramat bagi ku kerana sejak detik itu aku tidak lagi berhenti memikirkannya.

Setiap ruang waktu yang luang pasti akan ku jejaki persoalan itu tanpa jemu dan tanpa henti.Sehinggalah aku temuinya pada satu sessi ceramah di kolej.

Sebenarnya erti kehidupan itu terdapat didalam satu surah didalam Al Quran yang maknanya" TIDAK KU JADIKAN JIN DAN MANUSIA MELAINKAN UNTUK BERIBADAT KEPADA KU '.Aku cukup puas hati setelah ku temui jawapan pada persoalan yang sekian lama bermain di kepala ku.Aku berjanji akan terus menabdikan diri ku kepada Yang Maha Esa.

Semuga Allah menerima segala perbuatan ku sebagai amalan kepadaNYa.

Oh Tuhan Yang Maha Esa lindungan aku dan ahli keluarga ku juga sahabat-sahabat ku dari api neraka ....amin ya robilalamin.